Rights of divorced wife and child custody

Aug 22, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)


My wife insists on Talaq that I refuse to utter as it will be 3rd time and I offer reconciliation and compromise. She asked for Khulaa خلع . She then asked for talaq due to Darar (and also obtained non molestation order from family court). She will care for the 7 years son only if we divorce. We had Islamic marriage upon Hanafi Madhab.

The question is: what are her rights after talaq in this situation? Knowing that I bought 2 properties in her sole name as security using my own money and I want them back if we separate.
Jazakallahu Khayra


If you decide to give a third divorce then this will be the last and final divorce after which you will no longer be permitted to re-marry your wife.

If you do issue a divorce then you will have to cover her essential expenses and allow her to stay in your marital home during the waiting period (‘iddah). Once the waiting period is over she will not have these rights over you. If without your consent she chooses not to spend the waiting period in the marital home then she will not be entitled to expenses.

As for your seven year old son, from an Islamic perspective he should remain under your custody. If you feel that she will take the matter to court then you may want to come to a mutual agreement regarding custody.

As for the ownership of properties from an Islamic perspective anything which you own will remain in your ownership and anything she owns will remain in hers. If you paid for and purchased property with your own money then the property will be considered yours even if it is registered in her name. It will not belong to her unless you transfer ownership to her such as by gifting or selling. Again, this is from an Islamic law perspective. If she applies to family courts for additional rights not given to her by shari’ah then she will be sinful for this.

الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (3/ 566)
والحاضنة) أما، أو غيرها (أحق به) أي بالغلام حتى يستغني عن النساء وقدر بسبع وبه يفتى لأنه الغالب

الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (3/ 567)
ولا خيار للولد عندنا مطلقا) ذكرا كان، أو أنثى خلافا للشافعي. قلت: وهذا قبل البلوغ، أما بعده فيخير بين أبويه، وإن أراد الانفراد فله ذلك مؤيد زاده معزيا للمنية

قوله: ولا خيار للولد عندنا) أي إذا بلغ السن الذي ينزع من الأم يأخذه الأب، ولا خيار للصغير لأنه لقصور عقله يختار من عنده اللعب، وقد صح أن الصحابة لم يخيروا. وأما حديث «أنه – صلى الله عليه وسلم – خير فلكونه قال اللهم اهده» فوفق لا اختيارا لا نظر بدعائه – عليه الصلاة والسلام -، وتمامه في الفتح

الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (3/ 609)
و) تجب (لمطلقة الرجعي والبائن، والفرقة بلا معصية كخيار عتق، وبلوغ وتفريق بعدم كفاءة النفقة والسكنى والكسوة)

Answered by:
Ifta Research Fellow

Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel