Wadhi discharge and umrah

Question AssalaamuAlaikum I have a masla concern regarding the emission of wadhi and would appreciate if you are able to advise me on the following. I am able to keep my wudhu for the duration it takes me to read the fardh, sunnah and nafl of a salat however my wudhu...

Change of intention from Hajj Tamatu to Hajj Qiran

Question I made intention for Hajj Tamatu. Performed Umrah and came out of Ehram. However now I have visited Madina, and intend to return to Makka couple of days before Hajj. I have decided that if I wear Ehram for 2nd Umrah from Madina, can I now make intention for...

Menses and Umrah

Question Assalamu Alikum Warahmatullahi Wabarkatuhu To Respected Mufti Saheb, I am writing this to get some help on my menses situations and my recent trip to Umrah, Makkah. My monthly menses cycle is of 18 to 19 days – This has been the Cycle since 2019. (I...

Sending Salam to the Prophet with someone else

Question Asalamualaykum I’ve seen a lot of people recently saying (to someone who is traveling to Madina) to give my Salam to the Prophet saw My question are we allowed to tell someone who is in Madina to give Salam on behalf of someone not in Madina Jazakallah Answer...

Scents and cutting hair in ihram

Question Salaam, I hope all is well. On completing my wajib umrah, I went to the barbers to cut my hair using a razor blade. Before using the blade, the barber applied watery soapy spray to wet the hair and then applied the razor blade. Does this result in an...

Is Mina part of Makkah

Question: Is Mina now considered part of Makkah al Mukarramah? If a person stayed in Makkah al Mukarramah for twelve days before hajj then went to Mina for the five days of hajj, will they pray full salat or shorten their prayer? Please explore both arguments in...