Sehri time miscalculations

Question Sehri time ended at 4:14, I thought Sehri ended at 4:18, when I actually checked whilst still eating I realised that the sehri end time had finished as it was 4:16, I stopped eating but had a glass of water to quickly flush the food down without thinking,...

Is it recommended to work in Ramadan

Question Asalamualaykum Mufti Saheb? Is it recommended to work In Ramadan? I always hear the example that the Prophet SAW and the sahaba fought in the Battle of Badr on the 17th of Ramadan while Fasting. I cannot attest to that as I am not the most knowledgeable....

Optional i’tikaaf in a musalla

Question السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته Mufti Sahib what is the ruling of performing Nafl i’tikaaf in a musalla in which 5 times Salah take place? It’s not a shar’i Masjid, it is the only place which the people have in the locality to perform Salah...

Masturbating whilst fasting

Question If a person is masturbating while he is fasting in ramadan and he ejaculates, is it obligatory for him to do Kaffara or what is the ruling for this person? Answer Masturbation is a sinful act and must be avoided. If one was to masturbate whilst fasting their...

Self catheter whilst fasting

Question Assalamualaiykum. Can I perform self intermittent catheterisation whilst fasting Jazakumulla Khair for your time and May Allah reward you all Answer Inserting an object into the urethra will not invalidate the fast as there is no link between the urethra and...