Contamination between permissible and impermissible foods

Question I live in a house where my family eats haram foods such as non zabiha foods. Often pizza boxes are placed on the tables and the oils from the pizza with non zabiha meat gets on the tables. My question is because my family eats non zabiha do i have to wash...


Question Salam is McDonald’s frappe halal as they state that Alchoal is used in process which evaporates and there’s only 0.05% in final product Answer Many products are known to contain alcohol. The general principle is that alcohol derived from grapes and dates is...

Halal food in Saudi and on airlines

Question Asslaamu alaikum What is the status of meat/chicken in Makkah and Madinah. There are many messages saying it is not permissible to eat at all food places there. How does one determine what is halal or not? I have read about the issues of imported meat and...


Question As salamu alaikum. Is it permissible to use a product containing fermented soy bean? Example: Tamari is made by fermenting soy beans. Jazakallah khair! Answer We have answered the question on mono-diglyceride in your previously submitted question. As for...

Mono- Diglyceride

Question Assalamu alaikum. There is an emulsifier used in frozen desserts, breads, etc called Diglyceride/ Mono- Diglyceride. Is it necessary to find out the source? Jazakallah khair. Answer As these ingredients could originate from either animal, synthetic or plant...