Children paid mortgage of parents property

Question Salamu Alaikum Warahmatu Allah Wa Barakatu Our family has an inheritance issue. The parents purchased the family home and paid the mortgage for 10 years then they retired. The two sons then took over the payment of the mortgage for 20 years until the death of...

Inheritance related questions

Question Salam’s 1) My dad would like to distribute his wealth equally amongst his daughter, son and wife. How can he do this islamically? Inheritance / gifting 2) Please can you advise the rules of inheritance islamically? 3) Please can you advise the rules of...

Gifting Property and Land

Question Assalamu alaikum 50 years ago, my mother bought some land in India in my name as my father was retired and sick. My mother bought the land with the intention of helping us financially. For example, so that myself and my youngest brother could use it to pay...

Inheritor forfeiting share

Question Salams. Wanted to ask a question regarding the distribution of inheritance. From my dads inheritance the inheritors were my mum, us 6 daughters and my dads sister. When we went to explain to my aunty about her share, she said she doesnt want it and told us to...


Question 1)Mum owns 50% of the house she lives in . The other 50% was inherited by us children when dad died. The question we have is – Are we allowed to waive the share we inherited from dad and basically ‘gift’ it to mum? 2) If mum decides to gift her house/...

Property distribution and Inheritance

Question Assalaamu’Alaikum I have a single daughter(married) and my wife. Both my parents have died and i have 2 brothers(1 alive,1 dead) and 5 sisters(3 alive, 2 dead). Both my brothers and their children are well to do. Both my wife’s parents are also dead.My...