Breaking fast after cervical sweep

Question I had a baby in Ramadhaan. The doctors were concerned about baby’s growth so decided to induce me at 38 weeks. I only required a cervical sweep. I assumed that this procedure necessitated ghusl and that my fast was broken. I broke my fast before sunset...

Opening fast knowing that sunset might not have happened

Question Assalamualaikum, in Ramadan a few years ago I saw my friends opening their fast for iftar and I saw that my mum had not opened her fast yet and she was waiting a bit longer. I knew that my friends might not know the proper timing for iftar, but I still opened...

Fertility treatment during Ramadan

Question Assalamualaikum, I pray you are in the best of health and iman inshaallah. I would like some advice regarding undergoing fertility treatment in Ramadan. I have already undergone 1 cycle of iui treatment (intrauterine insemination) (not using a donor but my...

Doubts in fast breaking

Question Selamun aleykum, My fast continues to break due to stupid reasons. I follow Hanafi Fiqh and according to Hanafi Mafhab, even accidentally eating/drinking breaks my fast. This results in waswasa and hardship for me. Either I see blood when I spit (due to torn...

Use of CCD in moonsighting

Question AssalaamuAlaykum, I am trying to find a ruling as to whether it is allowed or not to use a CCD (Charge Couple Device) for moonsighting. My understanding is that sighting the moon with naked-eye, binoculars and telescopes are all allowed however, I would like...