Doubts in fast breaking

Question Selamun aleykum, My fast continues to break due to stupid reasons. I follow Hanafi Fiqh and according to Hanafi Mafhab, even accidentally eating/drinking breaks my fast. This results in waswasa and hardship for me. Either I see blood when I spit (due to torn...

Use of CCD in moonsighting

Question AssalaamuAlaykum, I am trying to find a ruling as to whether it is allowed or not to use a CCD (Charge Couple Device) for moonsighting. My understanding is that sighting the moon with naked-eye, binoculars and telescopes are all allowed however, I would like...

Regarding women I’tikaf at home

Question Assalamu alaykum, I pray everyone is in the best of health and imaan. I’m sitting in the sunnah i’tikaf in my home whilst alone and I have been leaving the room in which I’m performing I’tikaf to prepare my meals (including washing up...

Medication and Fasting

Question ‎السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْوَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ I pray that you and your family are well and are enjoying this blessed month. Dear Shaykh. I have a important question regarding fasting and medication. Allah (SWT) has given me big test with my sight. I...


Question Asw. My mother has anaemia and has very low levels of iron and vitamins and is anaemic. What is the fatwa regarding her fasting or not in the month of Ramadan ? Answer Thank you for your question. In the absence of specific details on how the anaemia affects...