Jan 20, 2022 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question I saw few things that made me scared. I read 2 hadiths on that women are the least inhibtants of paradise and in another ‘No women will enter Paradise except those who are as rare among them as this crow is among the others’.This is giving me...
Jan 16, 2022 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question There is hadith that says whoever controls his anger Allah will let him choose whichever hoor he likes. I fully understand that hoors are only for men and understand why. I read somewhere that this hadith means that the reward of a man who controls his anger...
Jan 16, 2022 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question I want to become Muslim, but I have trouble being convinced of the stories in the Qur’an and all 6 pillars of Faith. This trouble being convinced is out of my control 100%, if I wanted to have no doubt I would do that, but I can’t. But one can...
Dec 14, 2021 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question Shiekh I have question regarding the Authanticity of shahada. people are follow Concocted stetment but there is no any Authantic hadees behind it where mention complete statement ( La ilaha illallah Muhammadur Rasulullah) There are two separate pharses....
Dec 6, 2021 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question Salams my wife’s employer has offered £20 allowance to order biryani (which from a halal source) and also 1 hour time off as a good will gesture to celebrate Christmas is the food and time unlawful in our faith Please give guidance on this Jazakallah Answer...
Nov 27, 2021 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question Assalamu alaykum Thing is as I have studied comparative religion for much of life, I have noticed that muslim preachers say islam means complete submission to Allah and so we have to accept his commands without questioning even though we may not understand...