Fintech Issuer Payment Processor (SAAS) Job

Question I am working in card payment Fintech that provides software for transaction processing. The company has Clients who provide prepaid, debit and credit card to their end users. Prepaid card client constitute majority of clients; but organization is trying to...

Music and kufr. Partner with unlawful income.

Question Assalamu Alaikum Firstly , is it kufr to listen to music with kufr lyrics Secondly, if one formed a partnership with someone who had completely haram money and a portion of it but not the majority of it was stolen and mixed with the savings ns they used money...

Earning through lying and deception

Question I managed a web project for a client, agreeing to hire a full-time team for a fixed monthly fee. I spent less on salaries and hired less people than promised (but I had an intention to hire more when needed). The client was unhappy with progress and stopped...

Working in ALMT Banking as platform engineer

Question Al Salem Alaykom, I have a question about ALMT (Asset Liability Management Treasury :liquidity management, Foreign Exchange Risk management, compliance and risk, etc ) and I would like to get your insights because I got a job offer as a platform engineer...