Going out with Non hijabi friends

Question I observe my hijab properly. But my friends made through my life are Muslims who don’t wear the hijab properly or don’t wear at all, which is normal in the west but of course haram. I go out with them but only like once in a while just to catch up with them...

Selling Musical Instruments

Question During my dark times, I was a music producer, Alhamdulillah,Allah guided me and I quit music. Since I had possession of music instruments like Piano and DJ equipment, I decided to sell them to a non muslim friend who’s a musician too.. He hasn’t...

Laser Treatment For Facial Hair

Question Assalamualaikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatuhu I have excessive hair growth on my face and lately it has started to become thicker and more prominent. So, I am planning to get it removed by laser treatment.I would like to know the permissibility for getting it...

Definition of Animate Objects

Question Assalaamualaikum I am an artist and i try to stay within the bounds of my religion when it comes to drawing. I understand the we are only allowed to draw inanimate objects. However, I would like to know what constitutes an inanimate object? What if it is a...


Question Asalamualaykum, My question relates to inheritance The facts are as follows The parents have 4 sons and 2 daughters. The assets owned were a house and some money in the bank. The father passed away 40 years ago. When alive it is claimed by the 3 of the sons...