‘Iddah and magic

Jul 16, 2022 | Talaq (Divorce)


My parents and partner believe in these massive Aamils that can do ilaaj for black magic and can do istakhara.
They ask for duaghters name and mothers name and I have told them that this is haram because the guy is a magician but they dont beleive me because my uncle who is hafiz and so people in Pakistan do black magic removal this way as no one has told them that it is wrong. Do they fall under the ruling of Kufr as I have told them this or are they sinful. They have been misguided by so many people that they refuse to listen to one person which is me.

And forgive me but if a muslim wife aspostates, and the nikkah is canclled but she returns back a month later and the couple want to marry, must the couple wait three months to remarry or can they marry in the iddah period if it hasnt finished and can i please know the scenario of remarrying if the hujsband aspostaes, can he marry his wife within the iddah if he returns back to islam withing the iddah


The use of reputable and righteous ‘amils for ruqya or protection against black magic and so forth is permitted. An ‘amil is supposed to be a righteous individual who has knowledge of specific dua’s and acts of worship which reap certain rewards; they also protect against black magic through the use of the Qur’an. This is a religious position and valid. So long as one upholds the correct belief that causality comes from Allah only, there are no issues with one’s iman and faith.

Nonetheless, as you have suggested, there are several so called ‘amils that are black magic practitioners or become disgraced as charlatans and chancers. They may ask for or do strange things. To protect against this, seek out the opinion of a trusted local scholar for a recommendation.

You have submitted that the ‘amils you use ask for mother’s names. I have spoken to several knowledgeable ‘ulama that have informed me that this is the normal practice amongst amils.

As for your question regarding remarrying someone who became apostate[1], if the spouse returns to Islam, they can remarry their previous spouse within or outside of the iddah.[2] This is inclusive of the apostate husband and wife.

[1] «بدائع الصنائع في ترتيب الشرائع» (2/ 337):

«ومنها ردة أحد الزوجين؛ لأن الردة بمنزلة الموت؛ لأنها سبب مفض إليه، والميت لا يكون محلا للنكاح، ولهذا لم يجز نكاح المرتد لأحد في الابتداء، فكذا في حال البقاء؛ ولأنه لا عصمة مع الردة، وملك النكاح لا يبقى مع زوال العصمة غير أن ردة المرأة تكون فرقة بغير طلاق بلا خلاف»

[2] حاشية ابن عابدين = رد المحتار ط الحلبي» (3/ 194):(لو ارتدت) لمجيء الفرقة منها قبل تأكده ولو ماتت في العدة ورثها زوجها المسلم استحسانا، وصرحوا بتعزيرها خمسة وسبعين، وتجبر على الإسلام ‌وعلى ‌تجديد ‌النكاح زجرا لها بمهر يسير كدينار وعليه الفتوى ولوالجية   … قوله وعلى تجديد النكاح) فلكل قاض أن يجدده بمهر يسير ولو بدينار رضيت أم لا وتمنع من التزوج بغيره بعد إسلامها. ولا يخفى أن محله ما إذا طلب الزوج ذلك، أما لو سكت أو تركه صريحا فإنها لا تجبر وتزوج من غيره لأنه ترك حقه بحر ونهر

تحفة الفقهاء» (2/ 246):وَكَذَلِكَ امْرَأَة الْمُرْتَد يجب عَلَيْهَا الْعدة»

Answered by:
Ifta Research Fellow

Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel