Dilators for vaginismus

Question If a person has vaginismus & doctors recommend using dilators, will this be permissible? Can a woman use it on herself or will the husband have to use it on her? Answer It is disliked (makruh) to insert anything into the internal part of the vagina, and...

Wudu and discharge

Question Asalam Walaikum As a girl in early teens i suffer from chronic vaginal discharge causing challenges every day in keeping wudu for zuhr at school. The yellow discharge (/slightly yellow) which I get everyday at school and is normal leaves me with no choice but...

Braids in Ghusl

Question I have read the ruling that women are not required to open their braids/plaits in Ghusl not wet the braid as long as the water reaches the roots, I would appreciate more detail on the following: a. Does this ruling apply to all types of hair or is restricted?...

Working as a hairstylist

Question Assalaamualikum I wanted clarification if working as a bridal hairstylist is permissible and if the earnings are halal. I style hair for brides/brides sisters and other female members of the family. Some clients have segregated weddings and remove hijab in a...