Nov 2, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)
Question A father wanted his son to divorce his wife. The father threatened his son to throw him out of his house and disown him if he does not divorce her. Eventually the son told the father “I’m divorced” and inaudibly added “in your...
Oct 16, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)
Question As-salāmu ‘alaykum Hope you are well I had a question about conditional divorce The situation is, a brother with Tourette’s is married to a revert. Now at the beginning when his Tourette’s was not under control, he divorced her once. They are currently...
Oct 12, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)
Question Assalamualaikum. Do the religious activities (example: vows, divorces, oaths, etc.), which necessitates verbal utterance of a person, come into effect by mere movement of tongue without using the lips? Even if he uses the lips along with the tongue, but...
Oct 8, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)
Question Salaam I have a question regarding husband and wife they had a discussion about separate house and the wife said I prayed to Allah that give me a separate house with you or someone else then the husband said what do u mean if u want u are azad. The wife...
Sep 30, 2021 | Talaq (Divorce)
Question Assalamualiakum wr wb, We are a muslim couple married for 16 years, Alhamdulillah. We don’t have a child even after going through so many treatments. As of now my husband wants to go for surrogacy but i am not at all ready for it. He says that he has...