Hifdh and menstruation

Question السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته We have recently started a Hifdh class for girls. Alhamdulillah, we have had great interest and have many students who have joined. The issue we are facing is that when the students are on their menstruation, according to...

Salat and wudu as a police officer

Question Good Evening Team, I have recently started a new job as a response Police Officer. The job role is to respond to 999 call incidents. So these are very serious cases such as potential suicide attempts, fire arms related incidents, missing people also social...

Wetness around private parts

Question When performing istinjua after urinating I use water for washing (I use the Muslim Shower) I then dry myself with tissue. I suffer from extreme waswas and want to remove this. This can be done through knowledge. After drying I feel as if water is exiting the...

Washing Bathroom floor OCD

Question Since you’ve always answered my previous questions good and reliable, I will ask another one about a topic thats bothering me. I feel like I go way iver the top with this but it seems that this is the ruling. My Question is about washing the bathroom...

Unable to wash face

Question Assaalamualaykum WW I pray you are in the best of health and happiness. My sister in law has eczema and occasionally she has severe flare ups on her face. She is currently suffering from a flare up and her face is swollen and sore. When she performs ablution...