Unaware of rules related to istinja’

Question I was unaware of the ruling when I was younger that one must clean himself after urinating, as I thought that was only for defecating. Would I need to redo those prayers where I did not clean myself after urinating? Answer If after urinating or defecating,...

Continuous glucose monitoring devices breaking wudhu

Question People with diabetes are able to monitor their blood glucose levels continuously with continuous glucose monitoring devices. A sensor is placed on the upper arm which has small needles which pierce 1mm into the skin and monitor the glucose levels in the...

Squeezing a spot & Eczema water

Question If I have a spot or wound which I squeeze and blood/pus comes out due to the squeezing does this break my wudhu? If the blood/pus comes out then starts flowing will it then break my break? If I have a open wound or scab where the blood is visible and I dab it...

Wadhi discharge and umrah

Question AssalaamuAlaikum I have a masla concern regarding the emission of wadhi and would appreciate if you are able to advise me on the following. I am able to keep my wudhu for the duration it takes me to read the fardh, sunnah and nafl of a salat however my wudhu...

Eye gunk

Question Assalamu alaykum. Despite trying my best to wash my face properly, especially around my eyes, I often find some gunk left in the corner of my eye. This could be dry little pieces, or wet mucus. Is my wudhu valid if I find it there a while after performing...