Did not make intention of fasting before true dawn

Question asalamualaikum If a person did not make intention of Ramadan fast at night, but decided to fast after True Dawn entered. So she made intention of that Ramadan fast after fajr, but before midday. However, she later intentionally ate. Is a kaffarah required ?...

Fasting and mucus

Question i was praying and i was breathing normally. i felt some dry mucus from my nose going down into my throat. not from as far as the outer nistrils but from close to the holes that lead to the mouth. i could have tried to spit it out but i didnt realise that i...

Qadha or Kaffarah for Masturbating in Ramadan

Question Salam. I would like to know whether one has to keep qadha only or keep the kaffarah of 60 consecutive fasts for breaking the fast in Ramadan through masturbation. I have heard that masturbation doesn’t necessitate kaffarah however I have also heard that...

Breaking Fast Due To Cervical Sweep

Question My son was born when Ramadhan was in autumn. It was still British Summer Time and the fasts were about 12 hours long. The doctors were concerned about my baby’s growth and decided to induce me. I only needed a cervical sweep. I believed that this broke...

Moon Sighting

Question Respected Ulama of Darul Ifta, Assalamu Alaykum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh. Please see the attached PDF file link for an Istiftaa about the UK Moon Sightings Review. Answer It would be great to see Muslims in the UK united over one method of moonsighting...