Eye gunk

Question Assalamu alaykum. Despite trying my best to wash my face properly, especially around my eyes, I often find some gunk left in the corner of my eye. This could be dry little pieces, or wet mucus. Is my wudhu valid if I find it there a while after performing...

Dua in one’s own language in salah

Question Assalamualikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Baraktu. are personal duas in our own language (if we dont speak Arabic) supposed to be made before tasleem or after tasleem (after concluding the salaah)? if it has to be before tasleem or if the duas before tasleem must be...

Praying Behind People Upon Bid’ah For Jummu’ah

Question ‏اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ‎ On the day of Jummu’ah there are not any masajid near me except one. However, this masjid is ran by barevli’s and they do many bid’ah. For example, after the Jummu’ah salah they...

Insanity and salah

Question Islamically what is considered insanity and what are the salah rulings regarding one who suffers from episodes of insanity? Please can clear references to source material be included so I can refer back to it. Jazakallah Answer The definition of insanity...

Not performing jumu’ah due to hiding Iman

Question I’m a 21 year old convert from India and my parents are hindu. So, the problem is that I can’t go to jumu’ah because of my parents, they don’t allow me to go to a masjid, I’ve tried before to visit a masjid but their reaction was...