Mistake in taraweeh

Question Assalamu Alaykum The imam was leading Taraweeh and in surah baqarah, ayah 159, he prayed يكتبون instead of يكتمون. Is this a major mistake which invalidates salah? He started the 2 rakat from beginning of 2nd juz so does he need to repeat from there again or...

Permissible ways to sit during khutbah

Question I recently heard that it is not permissible/makrooh to sit during the khutbah in ‘hawbah’ where one sits and draws his knees up and holds them also known as ihtiba’, is there any basis for this? Answer Some narrations state that the Prophet...

Delaying asr salah

Question Assalāmu Alaikum My question is as follows: During November, Asr Salah time begins at 3:53 pm as per the Hanafi opinion and sunset is at 5:32 pm. Would there be any dislike or considered undesirable if we performed Asr Salah at 4:50 pm and Maghrib begins in...

Blowing hair in salah

Question Assalamu alaykum w w This query is to do with salaah but I do mention OCD (which I know you don’t deal with) as my question relates to an effect of it. I am not asking for help regarding the OCD. I just found out recently that blowing in salaah to the...

Makruh Tahrimi acts in salah

Question Assalamualaykum, In this fatwa (https://www.zamzamacademy.com/2010/09/makruh-acts-in-salaat/), it mentions that you have to repeat salah if you do a makruh tahrimi act in salah and if it still the salah time. My question is how do we differentiate between...