May 21, 2021 | Nikah (Marriage)
Question As salaamu alaykum. Is fertility treatment, specifically ivf permissible? Answer IVF treatment between the spouses is permissible if there is a strong need. Involving a third party – be that the egg, sperm or even womb of a third party – is...
May 3, 2021 | Nikah (Marriage)
Question Assalamualaikum, I have a question regarding visiting parents after marriage. I know that in hanafi fiqh a girl is allowed to visit her parents once a week with or without her husband’s permission, but what about if she lives in a different state or country...
May 2, 2021 | Nikah (Marriage)
Question Asalamoalaikum. What is included in nafaqa which a man must provide for his wife? If the wife doesn’t listen to the husband (for example he tells her to do something and she doesn’t), is this considered Nushuz , and hence is nafaqa no longer due...
Mar 4, 2021 | Nikah (Marriage)
Question What is the Islamic ruling regarding contraception? What forms of contraception are allowed? Eg condoms, the pill, coil, IUD Is the morning after pill allowed? Answer Temporary forms of contraception are permissible if both parties consent to using them.[1]...