Boxing with headgear/protection

Question Assalamu Alaykum Mufti Sahib, We are aware that boxing and hitting the face or head isn’t allowed. In some places, training is undertaken with headgear and other protection, this happens under the supervision of trained professionals. This is only for...

Greeting Non-Mahrams and Muslim Women’s Fashion Shows

Question Assalamu Alaikum, Hope you are doing well. Questions: 1) What about the criteria for salam to Mahram and non-mahram whereas if any woman comes to our home of any religion, would we do greetings (Salam) to them even if they have more than one? 2) Would any...

Kaffarah for broken oath

Question Assalamu alaikum. I have broken an oath. I am unemployed and don’t have enough money to do kaffarah. My father bought me a laptop for studying. Should I sell the laptop to give kaffarah or should I fast for three days? Answer The amount of money...

Year of hijrah

Question Aslm Can you please tell me what was the Islamic year of the hijrah of the Prophet (pbuh)? I know that it took place on 12 Rabu’-ul-awwal but I do not find anywhere the year this happens. It is said that it was the year 622 according to gregorian...

Itikaf Rulings for Women

Question I would like to enquire about the rulings regarding itikaf for women. Apologies if some of the questions may seem silly, I just want to clear any doubts: 1. Is the area for itikaf the entire room in which she usually prays her Salaah? If not how much of the...