under the influence

Question BISMI ALLAH AL RAHMAN AL RAHEEM, Alsalum Alaikum, I need to ask you about a serious issue that is happening here in USA. A section of people who are claiming to be islamic scholars are guiding others to Allah by putting them in a hallucinogenic stage under...

Dealing with bodily disfigurement

Question Aslamu alaykum I hope you are well. This problem has been with me all of my life and has affected every aspect of my life. I was born with an illness and a noticeable ear disfigurement. This has affected me all of my life due to people staring and making...

Intending a vow in the heart

Question I made a vow that if I do this thing i will give 250 rupees for the first time if do it again I will add 250 to previous amount everytime I do this thing. The problem is I don’t remember if I made this vow verbally or in the heart. I am more inclined...

Poor people having multiple children

Question Am I sinful for not liking it when people keep having children despite struggling to provide for the ones they already have? I know Allah swt provides rizq. But I can’t get rid of this feeling because it makes me angry to think of the children who have lost...