Husband masturbating wife

Question Assalaamu’alaykum What is the ruling of a wife controlling a husband’s hand whilst masturbating her? I have heard if the husband does this himself it is permissible but what if the wife holds his hand because if she doesn’t, he doesn’t...


Question Hanafi: I have strong desires, almost crippling, i want to do ‘istimna, I am aware is haram, is there a rule, which is HALAL, for me to follow/switch to, without fatwa shopping, or doing something haram. I can’t marry yet, and have quit Istimna...


Question Thank you for answering previously, i wanted clarification if masturbation is haram or makruh, and if there is any exceptions Answer Please refer to the following answer for the ruling on masturbation:...

Controlling sexual desire and masturbation

Question Assalamualaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh I am struggling to control my sexual desires. I know masturbation is wrong but can’t stop it totally. Mostly daydreaming about sex, meaning I get sexual images in my mind. I feel sometimes my sexual arousal...


Question I am aware that according to the majority of scholars, they would see it as prohibited (Shafi’i and Maliki schools). Alhamdulillah I don’t do it, but I would just like to know the ruling. I am not exactly aware of the Hanafi position on it...