Oct 23, 2021 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question Salam Mufti I have been doing research on the topic of muslims who abandon salah do they qualify as muslims or not. Many prominent scholars like one salafi Shaykh Asim Al Hakeem say that muslims who refuse, seldom pray or do not pray at, all qualify as almost...
Sep 21, 2021 | Aqidah (Belief)
Question Is it permissible to quote a statement of kufr, without explicitly saying “he said, they said” or the like before the statement. For example one intends on quoting a statement but doesn’t provide a quoting statement, would this individual...
Jul 30, 2021 | Uncategorized
Question Assalamualaikum, I have the following questions, I would really appreciate if it is answered and emailed back to me by a qualified islamic scholar. 1. Lets say, a muslim (while he is a muslim) intent to enter islam by saying la ilaha illallah after wishfully...