Transferring property verbally

Question Assalamualaikum Brother I have a question if you can please answer. Under shariah law is it true that if a man gives the file of his property to someone and verbally says to that person under oral hiba that by giving his file to him he has become owner of his...

Gift vs inheritance

Question Assalamu alaikum warahmatullah, 1.Is there a direct hadeeth or an incident of a sahaba where they have gifted their entire property whilst they are alive. 2.wealth is a test and life is a test. If I can give away my whole property as per my wish when I am...


Question السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته Our family is considering to give away some of our wealth to our children whilst we are alive. We are taking into consideration the financial situation of our children and apportion part of our wealth whilst we are alive in...