Oct 21, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Alsalam Alaikum, Is it halal to work as a Maintenance Engineer in an Investment Company (not a bank, but managing money and making investments like purchasing real estate, public stocks, debt instruments, etc)? So basically I will not be working on anything...
Oct 6, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question السلام عليكم المفتي المحترم ما حكم بيع الهواتف للمصرف غير الإسلامي علما بأنه سيبيعها بيعا ربويا؟ Answer It is prohibitively disliked to sell an item to a bank with the knowledge that the item as it is will later be part of a usurious transaction. This is...
Sep 29, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question salam 3alykum. A friend of mine is encouraging us to explore a website that leverages DeFi technology to generate profits. I have concerns that engaging in such activities might inadvertently involve us in earnings that could be considered haram. The website...
Aug 16, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Assalaamu Alaikum My question is as follows: Ali lives in the UK. He wanted to sell land in Pakistan and therefore asked a friend in Pakistan to sell the land for him. This friend agreed to a 2% commission with Ali. The friend spoke to the buyer and agreed a...
Aug 15, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question السَّلاَمُ عَلَيْكُمْ وَرَحْمَةُ اللهِ وَبَرَكَاتُهُ. Mufti sahab, hope you are well ان شاء الله ﺗﻌﺎﻟﯽٰ I have been living in UK (London) for past 6 years and we have moved 4 houses I do Shari parda and have been living in shared houses all time, can we buy...