Interest related

Question Assalamualykum wa rahmatuallahi wa barakatuh. Dear Mufti sahib in Shaa ALLAH I pray you are doing good. Dear sheikh my friend recently told me that he had found many references and evidence from the Quran and Hadith which prohibits the consumption of interest...

Student Finance

Question Assalamualikum. Is student finance allowed for muslim to do a degree from university? And sometimes students are eligible to get bursaries like full fee , disable allowance, child care allowance or parent allowance , Are these permissible to take or not?? And...

Gas Station Business & Food Consumption

Question Assalamu alaikum. Is it permissible to eat food at a persons home who’s family has a gas station businesses (along with other businesses)? Jazak Allah khair.   Answer When benefiting from another person’s wealth, in your case eating at their...

Permissibility of my Job

Question My company is requesting I help them start a new branch in our company. The branch is an environmental consulting business and will help schools across the United States be more environmentally friendly. They want me to finalise the business proposal, create...