Fasting while pregnant and unwell

Feb 28, 2024 | Sawm (Fasting)


As-salamu alaykum Sheikh,

I hope this message finds you well.

I am writing to seek your guidance regarding a health matter. Recently, I have been experiencing gastric ulcer symptoms, aggravated by some poor eating habits, particularly due to early pregnancy cravings. With Ramadan approaching, I am eager to observe the fast, but medical advice suggests it may not be advisable for me to do so at this time.

My question is twofold: Firstly, should I delay fasting until I am fully recovered? Alternatively, would it be permissible for me to provide food for someone in need on my behalf as a form of compensation for not being able to fast?

Your wisdom and guidance on this matter would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support and assistance.

Warm regards,


If you are currently pregnant and you are fairly certain that fasting would be detrimental to your health or the health of your baby then it is permissible for you to not fast during Ramadan. However, you must make up for the missed fasts later. It must be emphasised that you would need to be fairly certain that fasting would indeed be detrimental. To determine this, you should consult a Muslim doctor who understands the importance of fasting as well as your medical condition. If fasting would not pose a significant health risk but may cause minor issues such as tiredness or the need for extra rest, you are not permitted to skip fasting during Ramadan.

Completely abandoning fasting and opting for a penalty payment is only permissible in cases where a person is unable to fast at all, neither presently nor in the future, due to a chronic illness or condition that prevents fasting. However, this exception does not apply in your situation.

الدر المختار وحاشية ابن عابدين (رد المحتار) (2/ 422)

(أو حامل أو مرضع) أما كانت أو ظئرا على ظاهر (خافت بغلبة الظن على نفسها أو ولدها) وقيده البهنسي تبعا لابن الكمال بما إذا تعينت للإرضاع

Answered by:
Ifta Research Fellow

Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel