May 6, 2021 | Zakat (Charity)
Question Asalamoalaikum, If my zakat calculation date is on the 1st of Ramadan. And on the 1st of Ramadan, someone gives me cash, or gold, or I get paid my salary on the date (say it gets deposited into my account in the afternoon of 1st of Ramadan), will I need to...
May 6, 2021 | Zakat (Charity)
Question Assalamualykum I am from the UK and receive child benefit money for my children. My questions are: 1)Do I consider that money to be my children’s property or my own (I am the father)? 2) Do I have to pay Zakat on that money? 3) Am I allowed to spend...
May 2, 2021 | Zakat (Charity)
Question I have an investment which i am unable to take funds out of and will only have access to the fund when it matures. I know I need to pay zakat on it but currently I do not have the funds to pay zakat on the funds. Please can you advise: 1) Would I need to...
Apr 18, 2021 | Zakat (Charity)
Question Assalamualeukum I would like to enquire if it is permissible to give Zakah to such relatives who may have assets in the form of jewellery (gold and or silver) or as land owned for agricultural purposes. However one is not certain of the amount they have and...
Apr 14, 2021 | Zakat (Charity)
Question Asalamoalaikum . If I have set aside money, to give for Zakat payments of previous years, or money set aside to give for charity (I’ve made intention that this is zakat money, and this is voluntary charity money), on my Zakat calculation date, do I have...