Zakat on investments and shares

Question Assalamu alaikum 1)I have invested some amount on a company since 2019 on profit share basis . I have not received any profit in my hand till now even though profit is reflecting in accounting. Should i have to pay zakat on the accounted profit or on the...

Zakat on mortgage payments

Question Salaam and Ramadan Kareem, Having watched Mufti’s video re mortgages and long term loans I had a query. I have an offset mortgage account and have some funds in their which I intended to utilise to pay off some of my...

Zakat calculation on re-invested stocks

Question As Salamu ‘Alaykum I would like to explain my question with the following example, Lets assume, I invested in ABC company stocks worth $100. After couple months, I sold all ABC stocks (this was a short term investment). I recieved $300 for my $100...

Zakaah and student finance debt

Question Assalamualykum, If my total asset worth for Zakat is £5,000 and I have £9,250 student finance debt, would I pay no zakat as I am in overall negative equity? Or are we not able to include student finance debt in our calculations and so would pay zakat on...

Zakat on long term investments

Question Assalamualaikum. Please help me with a question regarding Zakat on long term(15 year) plus investments. The investment is managed by a fund manager. The money would be invested in bonds and equities but not shares.The purpose of the investment is to generate...