Zakat Anniversary

Question Assalamu alaykum I asked a hanafi scholar if, on my zakat anniversary this year, my wealth is less than the nisab but not zero, what must I do? They said that zakat would not be compulsory on me but that my zakat annual date would not reset, it would remain...

Zakat on delayed Inheritance Money

Question Dad passed away May 2013 Mum passed away Apr 2021 There was some gold (jewellery pieces) in a box, belonging to many people. Ownerships were not clarified for a few years (happened on various dates over years). It went through various processes, including...

Paying income tax as zakah

Question My muslim father worked in a muslim majority country for a couple of decades. He considered the income tax on his salary to be equivalent to Zakat, because in his mind the government would spend the money on poor muslims. He told me this himself multiple...

Giving Gold to Children

Question I got gold from my husband and my parents. I kept tht gold for 10 years n paid zakat. I m not wel off person. I wanted to do charity rather thn paying zakat as sadqa ll save in akhairyat. So i dedicated my gold in children. N i don’t use that gold nor...

Pharmacy Calculating Zakat

Question Assalaam alaikum Mufti Sahab I have a pharmacy shop. How will calculate the zakat on my medicine which comes and goes and also has a expiry date. Answer Any items purchased with the intention to sell will be zakatable. Hence, on your zakat date, you will take...

Zakat on jewellery

Question Assalamalaikum Wanted to know on zakat We have our mother few jewelry kept from almost three years after she passed away we are eight brothers and sisters please advise if we need to take zakat on that jewelry Thank you Answer Firstly, zakat is only paid on...