May 6, 2021 | Sawm (Fasting), Women’s Fiqh
Question Slms. I am taking the pill and have supper the placebo deliberately so that I can keep all my of the side effects however of the pill is that spotting / breakthrough bleeding can be experienced while on the active pill . I am fasting , however I am...
Mar 16, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question Assalaamu alaikum..I wanted to know why the topic if haidh is soo complicated if its something every girl or woman should know about …such as knowing exact number of blood ,purity , habit place etc…shouldn’t this have been a simple topic ?...
Jun 7, 2013 | Women’s Fiqh
Question: I have a problem… In the month of May I started on 8th and finished on 14th. In May I started 28th which means that there wasn’t a 15 day gap of Purity. This means that i am in istihadha. However, I do not know what I have to do. Does this mean i can...
Apr 30, 2013 | Women’s Fiqh
Question: Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, Dear Shaykh, I’ve got a question from my wife about menstruation. I have little bit understanding about the fiqh of menstration but the following situation I could not solve yet. Hopefully you can be of...
Dec 20, 2012 | Women’s Fiqh
Question: Asalamualaikum I really want to do an alimah course but i don’t know where to start from. I have no friends who are practicing muslims. Another thing is i use to wear a niqaab from 2005. I took it off in 2009 and that was the biggest mistake I ever...
Dec 18, 2012 | Women’s Fiqh
Question: A woman has a coil fitted five days into her clean days. She has been told that she will experience bleeding due to this. It has now been 12 days since the coil was fitted and she is still bleeding. This makes it 17 days since purity. Her usual purity is...