Aug 15, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question Salaam, as is ramadan and my period should be coming in the last 10 nights I made it certain to take Norethisterone pills to delay my period I ordered from online but the problem is some women while taking the pills might get small bleeding that isn’t...
Aug 14, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question Will it be permissible to recite certain verses of the Qur’an during haid if they had been specifically prescribed for me for ruqya treatment, to help protect myself. I have been doing self ruqya for a long time and when I stop my treatment during haid...
Aug 14, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question I suffer from hirsutism caused by polycystic ovaries which ñ means I have higher androgen levels in my body which manifests itself as manlike hairy ness particularly on my legs and upper thighs . I can not wax them myself as it is very painful for me and...
Jul 30, 2021 | Medicine and treatment, Women’s Fiqh
Question Assalamu alaykoum My question is: is microneedling, babyglow, extension eye-lashes and candy lips permissible in Islam ? these are new beauty technologies way …. here are their definitions in details *Microneedling* regenerating skin care with...
Jul 14, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question Assalamualaikum Would it be permissible if one smoothens or straightens hair if it is meant for one’s husband and for having tidy hair. I have read that keratin treatment would be impermissible but what about other methods like we have oleo smoothening...
Jul 2, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question I have doubts about the purity after periods, on 1st of May I had my periods at day time around 11 am or 12 pm. Then on 10th of may after Maghrib azan I took ghusl performed isha and even had intercourse with my husband. Then at suhur I woke up and took...