Apr 10, 2022 | Taharah (Purity), Women’s Fiqh
Question Assalaamu Alaikum. It has happened a few times now that after bleeding ceases, I have relations with my husband. Thereafter, I bleed again. In such a case, is it necessary to refrain from intimacy until after 10 days have passed every time I get my period?...
Jan 12, 2022 | Women’s Fiqh
Question Salam Hope you are well My question is can I send a picture of a portion of my hair to a colorist in order to receive advice with regards to my grey hair. The portion will be the back of my head and mid-lengths of the hair. No part of my body, skin or shape...
Nov 8, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question السلام عليكم Is it permissable for women to ride bicycles in public providing the shape of her body is not revealed? Answer While the Hanafi legal tradition does not contend with bike riding, there is much discussion about women riding horses. One of the...
Sep 29, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question I’m newly married for about 2 months. My wife had a vaginal discharge before bedtime and she was uncertain of its colour and hence, was unsure if her menses has begun. We engaged in intimacy with no penetration. However, our private parts had skin-to-skin...
Sep 29, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question I am not the type of woman who likes or is interested in getting all these cosmetic stuff. I really am not the woman who has little bit of hair & is like “oh no that needs to be removed”. I am naturally genuinely born with alot of hair on my legs...
Sep 27, 2021 | Women’s Fiqh
Question assalamu Alaikum Respected Mufti Saheb D.B I have heard that Mufti Saheb has mentioned that the view of Imam Abu Yusuf Rahimahullah regarding Tuhr Mutakhallil has been developed. And the view of Imaam Muhammad has not been developed. Can Mufti Saheb please...