Hadith wrongly attributed to sahabah

Question Asalamu’alaikum, Ibn Hajar (rh) mentions in Fath al Bari the following incident: وروى مسلم – أيضا – في ((كتاب التفصيل)) بإسناد صحيح ، عن بكير بن الأشج ، قال : لنا بسر بن سعيد : أيها الناس ، اتقوا الله ، وتحفظوا في الحديث ، فوالله لقد رأيتنا...

Fertility Egg Freezing

Question Assalamu Alaikum ww, I would like to ask about the ruling on women freezing eggs for the purpose of utilising if get married to have a baby with their husband. In context, there are now many Muslim sisters who are still single at age 35-40 and some who then...

Medical symbol representing Greek God’s

Question Assalamualaykum I am an Indian and a medical aspirant here. You might have seen the medical symbol consisting of two snakes and a rod. Recently I found out that this symbol is called caducues which is a Shirkiyya symbol representing staff of Hermes who was...

Femal Prophets

Question Hi, I heard there is a difference of opinion concerning female prophets.Can give more daleel for both sides . I watched this video where I learned about it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W5cY6d4d54A I know that females can not be a rasul but they can...

Difficulty with istinja due to learning difficulties

Question Salaams just wanted to ask my son has special needs he’s got a learning difficulty and mild autism when he goes to do istinja he can’t do it properly he will leave poo stains on his pants so he finds it difficult to pray what is the correct way of doing...

Women Leaving The House

Question Assalamualaykum. I wanted to ask if women are allowed to go out of their houses for fun such as going for a walk in the park or going to a friend’s house? I read on some Islamic websites that they are not allowed to go out except for a genuine need but the...