Mar 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Salaams Is attending football matches haram? If so, would any money made by selling football tickets also be haram money? JazakAllah Answer There are two separate matters that need to be discussed here. The first is regarding the trading of match tickets and...
Mar 29, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question A lady leaves her home in tahara (cleanliness). She reaches her destination and commences Qasr salaah. Therafter she gets haidh and it finishes. She is still a musafir. Must she now continue Qasr Salah or should all salaah which follow after her haidh be read...
Mar 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question What’s the ruling that a teacher teaches his class in the masjid vicinity is it allowed for him to take a wage if not why? Answer If one is teaching Islamic sciences they are permitted to take a wage in consideration for their time. The same would apply...
Mar 28, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Would a will be classified as executed if inheritors did not have possession of their shares? Can one person be given all the assets of inheritance? What if relatives want to gift their share to another relative? Answer When a person passes away, ownership of...
Mar 27, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Assalāmu `alaykum, My first question is whether it’s allowed to give a child a ‘nickname’ such as ‘Abū Abdillāh’ even if they don’t have a son named Abdullāh, but rather with the intention of giving them the blessed name of...
Mar 24, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question We listened to a short talk about student loans being haram and that the students can accept zakat. Now my question is do the parents have to pay their childrens loan of they can afford to? We have the money but that’s all we have. We rent, we...