My Father Does Not Want Me Wearing Islamic Clothing

Question If my father says I’m not to go to the centre that prayers are taken place can i still go? If he’s forbade me to wear my juba too am I allowed to fullfill this sunnah I learnt of? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the...

Fleeing Zina: Different Rules for Different Situations

Question As I was reading your e mail, I came across this ruling and I couldn’t help my curiosity. Allow me to be open and frank, because as little knowledge as I have, I would really like to know the right thing. As I understand, according to you, one who does...

Shaking Hands with Women

Question 1. I just wanted to make sure. It says that it is haram to shake hands unless necessary. Can you please give me an example of necessary? Is a job interview considered such? 2. In the hidayah, on the section of looking at awrah, it says that for darurah a...

Watching a Video With Nudity

Question I was in a lesson and we were watching a video which had nudity and sex e.t.c, so i put my head down and didn’t watch the video. As far as i know in islam it is forbiden. Is that true? The video wasn’t important. After the lesson I was told to...