Jun 8, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question As Salamu Alaykum, About 6 months ago during argument an “Talaq-kinaya (ambiguous talaq)” was said several times with the intention of talaq. So one talaq ba’in took effect and no new nikah contract was made. The husband was unaware of the...
Jun 6, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question As salam alaykum, my question is regarding late payments. I wish to purchase an item through an interest free loan, I will pay by instalments every month until the item is payed for. However most company’s have a late payment rule, is it permissible to buy...
May 31, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question there is a massive concern, my wife’s tether recently told me that the witness only need to be present when the girl gives her consent and not when you do the ijab and Qabool I found this out yesterday. Because of his ignorance and lack of knowledge I am now...
Apr 17, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Asslamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, A female wants to trim her hair at the hairdressers in order to keep it healthy. However has been told by someone to ensure she collects any hair that they have cut. I wanted to clarify that the hair only becomes...
Apr 14, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Last year in Ramadan I accidentally bit skin out of habit but I was mid conversation so I left it in my mouth. Saliva welled up and so I decided to intentionally swallow. It was after I swallowed that I realised what I had done. I don’t know why I did...
Apr 12, 2022 | Uncategorized
Question Assalam Alaikum. We sold our primary home a few months ago and living on rent for now while waiting for a delivery of a new home later next year. The proceeds from the old home fall under zakat nisab. Once one year is over, do we need to pay zakat on it even...