Use of tampons

Question Are virgin women allowed to used tampons or khursuf during menstruation? Answer In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of truth It is disliked (makruh) to insert anything into the internal part of the vagina. Since tampons are inserted in the vagina to contain...

Liking a celebrity and nazar amulet

Question I like 2 turkish celebrities but one of them shared a story with nazar amulet emoji in it and other one worked in drama in which nazar amulet was hanging.  As i have heard that blue nazar amulet is haram and shirk . If i discourage their bad things and like...

Life endowment insurance

Question Assalamu aleykum wa rahmetullahi wa beraketuhu. The question is: let’s consider a person has a monthly gross salary of 1000 USD, and after deducting all mandatory government payments, he receives a monthly net salary of 750 USD. Now the government...

Small Girls in revealing Clothing

Question Assalamu alaikum. Is it permissible to dress small girls in revealing clothing or should we dress them modestly so they get used to modesty? Struggling with this since the weather is hotter. Jazak Allah khair Answer When dressing children there are two points...

Crypto Day Trade

Question Is cryptocurrency day trading halal or haraam? As in crypto, you received and give money or crypto immediately. Just on the spot. The moment I clicked on buy, my money deducts and I get my desired crypto and vice-versa. I know about short selling. Its haraam...