Did not know discharge breaks wudu

Question AssalamuAlaikum w.w A woman didn’t know that discharge breaks wudhu until a few years after she was baligh. She would also pray with the najasah of discharge on her clothing without realising that would invalidate salah. Does she need to repeat those...

Boundary of obeying/serving parents

Question Salaam! Could you please shed some light in detail. How do i serve my parents to gain pleasure of ALLAH swt and in different circumstances , can I lessen my service. And whether my parents are doing wrong in forcing their power on me to make them happy of all...

Postpartum bleeding

Question السلام علیکم I were having postpartum bleeding for almost 35 days. After that i started prayer but at 40th day bleeding started again. I am confuse either its post-partum bleeding or periods or isthaza. This was my first pregnancy. Please guide me regarding...

Overcoming pornography and masturbation addiction

Question Assalamualaikum, I am 21 years old male from India.I am addicted to Masturbation and Pornography from 6 years and unable to leave this addiction. I have tried so many times to leave this bad habit but failed. Please help me How to get rid of this problem and...

Trimming sides of beard

Question Asslamualaikum, is it permissible to trim the sides of the beard hair which are less than a fist length as they are curling into the ears and are itchy? I have grown from the chin a fist length beard but not from the sides. Answer It is compulsory to keep a...

Marijuana and non khamr alcohol

Question Selamun aleykum, I understand that according to Hanafi school, khamr is najis and haram to consume in every amount, whilst non-Khamr alcohol (not from grapes or dates) is still haram to consume in amounts which intoxicate or in a way which has the purpose of...