May 3, 2021 | Salat (Prayer)
Question Assalamu Alaikum. If a person never stopped smoking weed 40 days prior to Ramadan commencing can he still lead other people im Tarawih Salah if he stops smoking from today and will not smoke in Ramadan? Jazakumullahu Khayran. Answer If a person openly sins...
May 2, 2021 | Salat (Prayer)
Question Assalamu Alaykum If I over estimate my missed prayers I calculate missed prayers for 10 years. As this is a lot and will take a long time is it okay for me to miss the sunnah acts and just complete the fardh and wajib acts for the make up prayers? جزاك الله...
May 2, 2021 | Salat (Prayer)
Question Assalamu Alaykum How do I perform Tahajjud and when? Do I need to sleep beforehand and can I read my witr beforehand? Jazak Allah Answer In the name of Allah, the Inspirer of Truth Tahajjud is an optional prayer offered between ʿishā’ and fajr time. The...
Mar 16, 2021 | Salat (Prayer)
Question Salaam, Today i required a ghusl before fajr. By time i did one and prayed i finished fajr at 6:11 and 02 seconds. I checked my mosque app for my local masjids and there were a few different sunrise times i also searched my address on google again with...
Sep 4, 2010 | Salat (Prayer)
Question Why don’t Hanafis raise their hands when going into ruku or raising their heads from ruku`? Isn’t this against the sunna of the Prophet (Allah bless him and give him peace) who said, “Pray as you have see me praying.”? Answered by:...
Sep 4, 2010 | Marriage and Divorce, Salat (Prayer)
Question A close friend of mine has had a marriage break up because they have recently been in close touch with Wahhabi brothers and sisters. They have influenced his wife to leave the husband on the grounds that he is not regular in his prayers, although he does pray...