Pictures on clothes

Question Salam I have received clothes as gifts from family and friends for my children. I do not allow my daughters to wear clothing with animate pictures on them. What should I do with those clothes? Can they be given to charities? Can they be gifted to other...

Keeping the name Amirah

Question Salam is the name Amirah meaning princess a self proclaimed righteous name and is this allowed for a girls name in Islam. Jazzakallah Khair. Answer It is permissible to take the name ‘Amirah’ which means female leader or princess. This is because we are...


Question Salam Sheikh sb. I have an inquiry regarding masturbation, as someone who struggles with this sin. My question was if this action is done, does it come under the ruling of this hadith: Ibn Maajah (4245) Sahih, narrated from Thawbaan (may Allah be pleased with...