Apr 23, 2023 | Medicine and treatment
Question Assalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, inshaAllah you are well. I had 2 questions: 1. What exactly is considered to be a part of the eyebrows? For example, can the very thin hair that grows around the eyebrows be removed? 2. Is skin needling...
Feb 9, 2023 | Medicine and treatment
Question I received a question in regards to Vasectomies and whether they are permissible. I looked through some Fatwa books and websites and found that it is mentioned as impermissible due to the procedure being deemed a permanent form of contraception. Recently, the...
Jan 30, 2023 | Medicine and treatment
Question Assalamu aleykum. I was wondering if you could answer this question in regards to religion. Because I can’t find any concrete answers online. Is it haram to get temporary hyaluronic lip fillers? I’m turning 19 and I wanted to get them for my birthday because...
Dec 17, 2022 | Medicine and treatment
Question Assalamualaikum, Iam 27 years old female have undergone tubal ligation I have two daughters mashallah but now I want another child.can I opt for IVF. Answer IVF treatment is only permissible between spouses if there is a strong need such as when one does not...
Oct 28, 2022 | Medicine and treatment
Question Assalamualaikum, I pray this is email finds you in the best of health and Imaan. I attend the Paths to Piety event hosted by Mufti Abdurrahman Mangera where I was grateful he answered a question for me. My question concerned whether breastfeeding vitamins...
Sep 22, 2022 | Medicine and treatment
Question I once took my child to a homeopath practitioner. She was also a kinesiologist My child was having bad dreams at the time Every other night We didn’t go for the dreams we had gone due to a physical medical issue but the questions of dreams were asked So...