Hadith on masturbation

Question Regarding this narration/statement ناكح اليد ملعون I have been told by hadith scholars that these words have no basis. However I have seen it quoted in Hanafi fiqh books and by Tafseer Alusi here And there are those who have deduced the prohibition of...

Obeying husband

Question Is ta What are rulings on obedience to husband Like is it blind obedience or the wife interests are taken care of or is it just about husband … Answer Thank you for submitting your question, and I can completely understand your frustrations as...

Parents choosing spouse

Question I am 16 and my parents want me to marry a girl from Pakistan when I turn 18. I do not want to marry this person and I am not sure what to do. Answer This is a difficult predicament to be in at your age. Alhamdulillah you are looking at your future options and...

Nikah Wording

Question I got married recently and in my marriage the molvi said to my husband. H/N daughter (name), with her fathers permission and mahr of 5000 I have given in Nikkah according to sharia etc etc, do you accept this But the thing is he didn’t say I have given her to...

Copper IUD

Question Assalamualaykum I need to know if using a copper iud as a contraception is permissible in Islam. Currently I’m using progesterone only pill and of course as its name says it’s hormone based, and I’m sure in long term it may have side effects...


Question Hanafi: I have strong desires, almost crippling, i want to do ‘istimna, I am aware is haram, is there a rule, which is HALAL, for me to follow/switch to, without fatwa shopping, or doing something haram. I can’t marry yet, and have quit Istimna...