Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question The other day a brother mentioned to me an unsubstantiated report that the vitamin D added to milk comes from animal sources, and that perhaps we should use non-homogenized milk from health stores (because of lanolin)? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf...
Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question Recently, I came across some information regarding enzymes, mono, and diglycerides in all kinds of food. I also realized that most of these ingredients come from animals including pig – but it does not always say so. I am really worried because whatever...
Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question If you eat only zabiha meat, and you go to another muslims house who eats meat from the American grocery store (like Tyson chicken or USDA beef), is it polite to ask them if it is zabiha meat or not? Should you just keep quiet and eat it? Or should you avoid...
Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question I have one question about najasah getting into food. According to the malakis and the shafi’is, if najasah gets into liquid food (i.e. milk, oil honey) the whole thing becomes najas. What is the hanafi position in regards to this? This is very relevent...
Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question I wanted to check with you about istihaalah, and if for the hanafis things like gel caps in medicine that have undergone manufacturing. Is it permissible to use for the hanafis? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah...
Sep 4, 2010 | Halal and Haram
Question Someone asked: The other day Brother X mentioned to me an unsubstantiated report that the vitamin D added to milk comes from animal sources, and that perhaps we should use non-homogenized milk from health stores. Besides this, when the rulings of meat are...