Which ihram is better?

Question As-salamu alaikum, I understand that Qiraan in generally mention as the most virtuous iḥrām according to the Hanafi school. However, I was recently shown a quote from the Muwaṭṭaʾ of Imām Muahmmad where he states that if you have done Umrah in the year of...

Umrah in the months of hajj

Question Asslamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu, I am planning on going for Umrah after Ramadan around end of May/Beginning of June time for about 7-9 days. Someone said to me,if i go for Umrah in between the time period of the months of Ramadhan and Hajj, then...

Umrah in Shawwal and Hajj ifrad the same year

Question I am currently residing in jeddah and intending to perform hajj this year. I’ve been told by several people that the best type of hajj for those living in jeddah is Hajj ifrad because jeddah lies within the meeqat. However, I’m in a unique...

Shortening salat when going for hajj.

Question What is the stance of salah during Haj? I came across 2 fatwa 1. If a person spent less than 15 days in Makkah before leaving for mina he is musafir 2.If a person stay including Haj days is 15 days and more he is not musafir Answer There is a difference of...

Can I Perform Umrah While Still in Debt?

Question I am a student who unfortunately has a lot of school loans. My question is, can I go to Umrah using this money? Answered by: Mufti Abdurrahman ibn Yusuf Assalamu alaykum In the name of Allah, Most Gracious Most Merciful. It would be permissible for one to go...

Hajj without a mahram?

Question I am an adult woman (unmarried) who can afford to perform Hajj, Alhamdulillah. However, my father has passed away and I have only one mahram in the country where I live, namely my younger brother. My brother is not employed and unable to afford to perform...