Jun 8, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Salam, I have a friend (non-believer) who raises capital to buy properties, renovate and then sell on for a profit which is distributed back to the investors. In order to raise capital, the developer does this through a combination of investments from general...
Jun 7, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Asalamualykum Sometimes I travel on the bus with my children.On the bus website it states for children 5 and above a bus ticket has to be purchased. When I am boarding the bus and let the driver know I have to pay many drivers dismiss this and say its fine...
Jun 6, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question My father in law gave his daughters their share while he was alive almost 20 ,25 years before his death.this was because his son in law’s fought for it . They said they wanted their share as they cannot wait for him to die.all these 25 years my father...
Feb 16, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Assalamualikum, I work in a private company that works with U.S. (United States) healthcare clients. The company works as a mediator between Doctors/Hospitals and Medical insurance companies. I work on behalf of U.S. Doctors, Hospitals, and Labs not insurance...
Feb 16, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question Is it permissable to use child trust fund, if so can I use all of it? Answer Without the specifics on what the fund invested the money into, it is difficult to give a specific ruling. Nonetheless, I shall offer general principles for your case. The government...
Jan 25, 2023 | Business & Trade
Question If I was to do a crowd-fund to buy a house to then flip and return the people their money with returns, would that be ok? So there is no need for mortgage – all cash buy etc.. Let’s say we buy a house for £300k, work on it and sell for lets say...