Are Qur’anists Muslim

Question Are People – Qur’anists – who reject hadith in their entirety due to believing they are fabrications attributed to the Prophet disbelievers? If not what about if this leads them to rejecting or distorting necessary parts of the religion...

Is believing that Crystal have healing properties haram?

Question Salam, I know someone who believes in crystals she believes Allah has put healing in the crystal and said she feel better when using them, she has serve long term illness and uses them to help her. Is this haram as I know we can only use medicine if it’s...

Beliefs of Javed Ghamdi

Question Please see attatched pdf. The Istiftā’ is on behalf of Dr.Ilyas Faisal Abdul Ghani. Answer Most of these views, if reported to us correctly, break the theological consensus of Ahlus Sunnah wa l-Jama’ah. Some of the most heretical positions mentioned...

Studying Philosophy

Question Children in Year 9 have to choose their GCSE subject options with one of the options being REP – Religion, ethics and philosophy. This subject requires studying with an ‘open mind’ and one of the topics is arguing for and against ’ the existence of...

Reward for someone wronged

Question Someone’s wife committed zina behind the husbands back. How will Allah s.w.t. compensate the husband for the wrong that was done to him. Answer Allah Most High is the one who grants honour and disgrace. He will reward and compensate the husband in the...

Following a madhhab

Question Salaam mufti Abdur Rahman I have a question about schools if thought, there are many different opions in these schools if thought. Let’s say an individual has always followed an opinion of a school of though and it is leading to hardship for them Such as: one...