Job as a chemical engineer and environment

Jul 31, 2021 | Business & Trade


Asslamualikum so I have been overthinking about this question So essentially I am a engineer who is working in the oil and gas and plastics industry. My job is to make sure that my unit is running correctly in the plant/refinery. So as you know the production of such products contributes to pollution such as when people throw away plastic in the ocean and when we drive our cars we burn oil which release carbon and I was wondering is my job halal and moral from a islamic perspective becuase of the factor of pollution involved. ( bear in mind everything has pollution nowadays so nothing is in fact “GREEN”.)


Based on the information you have provided, as your job role is permissible in Islam and does not involve any non-shari’ah compliant activity, the income received will be lawful for you. Companies should put policies in place to try and reduce any harm to the environment, however, the absence of such policies will not impact the lawfulness of your role.

Answered by:
Ifta Research Fellow

Checked & Approved by:
Mufti Abdul Rahman Mangera
Mufti Zubair Patel