Hadith on wind breaking wudu

Question Salam alikom Is there any Hadith that wind (gas) breaks wudu ? Answer There is a hadith in Bukhari which states that passing wind invalidates wudu. The hadith is as follows: The Prophet (may Allah bless him and give him peace) said, “The prayer of a...

Working in healthcare as a muslim female

Question Salaams I have a question I would like to ask regarding females working: I am a muslim, female student Speech and Langauge Therapist with the option to work in the NHS sectors of community, hospital or prison environments etc or become private It is mostly a...

Using Logic to Prove Truth of Islam

Question Assalamu alaykum Thing is as I have studied comparative religion for much of life, I have noticed that muslim preachers say islam means complete submission to Allah and so we have to accept his commands without questioning even though we may not understand...

Moon Sighting

Question Respected Ulama of Darul Ifta, Assalamu Alaykum wa-Rahmatullahi wa-Barakatuh. Please see the attached PDF file link for an Istiftaa about the UK Moon Sightings Review. Answer It would be great to see Muslims in the UK united over one method of moonsighting...

Placing Cut Nails in the Bin

Question As Salaamu Alaykum, if one is cutting nails, what is the ruling on placing them in the bin and if one recites the Basmalah before cutting nails directly with a bin below, does this entail sin? Answer It is preferred to bury ones nails after cutting them. If...