Number Of Women In Paradise and Hell

Question I saw few things that made me scared. I read 2 hadiths on that women are the least inhibtants of paradise and in another ‘No women will enter Paradise except those who are as rare among them as this crow is among the others’.This is giving me...

Women in the workplace

Question Salaam Q1) There are women in my work place. What should I do? Q2) How do I protect myself from the women in my workplace and how do I protect myself from all sins in my workplace Q3) If I have to interact with women in my workplace what pratical advice can...

Denying Divorce

Question Dear Respected Mufti, Assalamu alaykum warahmatuLlahi wabarakatuh, I would like to ask for a divorce ruling concerning my brother and his ‘wife’. Their relationship has been quite toxic throughout on both sides and there have been multiple divorce...

Zakat On Goods Being Manufactured and Loans

Question I borrowed £15,000 to start a business selling fitness equipment, and had to start immediately paying back monthly instalments over five years. I was told by my supplier to pay 30% of the cost of production (30% of £15,000) as a deposit then the factory will...

Calling Off Engagement

Question Assalam o Alikum 1. Is calling off engagement without any valid reason permissible? Answer The Shari‘a does not recognise an engagement as a binding relationship between two individuals. As you have suggested, it is a promise to marry at a date in the...